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Organic and systemic pesticides for the most common indoor, outdoor and greenhouse pests: Fungus Gnats, Whiteflies (Silverleaf, Sweetpotato, Banded-winged, Citrus, Giant), Spider Mites, Broad Mite, Tomato Russet Mite, Pacific Mite, Two spotted, Strawberry, European Red, Clover, Southern red, Spruce, Bamboo, Lewis mite. Leafminers, Aphids (Bean, Cowpea, Greenbug, Mellon/Cotton, Potato, Russian Wheat, Cabbage, Green Peach, Hop, Pea, Rose, Spotted Alfalfa), Thirps (Pear, Cuban, onion), Potato and Tomato Psylla and Psyllid, Mealybugs (Citrus and Grape), Planthoppers, Scarab beetles, Chinch bugs, Lace bugs, Weevils (Billbugs, Fuller Rose, Root, Black vine, Strawberry root, Rose).For Sale Floramite, Avid (Abamectin, Minx 2), Oberon 4SC (Forbid 4F).

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